
‘Twas the Night Before WCAG!

Last updated on December 18th, 2024

Title image of 'Twas the Night Before WCAG featuring the Delly character dressed as Santa with a bag of Lighthouses
Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries
Person in bed, looking out the window at night

‘Twas the holiday season and all ’round the spot

Not a creature was crawling, not even a ‘bot!

Agency staffers were snug in their beds

but questions of access swirled round in their heads…

Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries

“How shall we keep up with the changing constraints?

Our intentions are good, but designers we ain’t!”

When, from my computer, there came such a *ding*

I knew someone, somewhere, had something to bring!

Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries

Like a good admin I flew to the dash,

ready to bust out some Java or Flash.

The screen blinked with errors and visual blight.

No H1s or alt text?? A troubling site!

A dark room with a computer showing the word ERROR on its screen, surrounded by words like ERROR, ALT TEXT and NO H1.
Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

but a magic consultant, with guidelines to steer!

It was Delly, our GIC mascot was here!

Dressed as Santa, to bring gifts for this brand-new year!

Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries
Comic style drawing of the character Delly dressed up as Santa

Hello there, our wonderful agency client!

I’m here to help you become fully compliant!

You don’t need to fret, you don’t need to be blue.

Just watch us do all of the hard work for you!

Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries

The screen came alive with a radiant glow,

with content arranged in a beautiful flow.

With more speed than spiders, the fixes- they came!

Delly whistled and shouted and called them by name: 

“New Top Nav! New Button! No Breadcrumb too small! 

On Header! On Footer! Components for all!

A system designed to eliminate flags,

and help your site meet each and every WCAG!

There’s one more announcement I’d like to make clear:

Our very first Lighthouse site soon will be here!

Inauguration Day will mark the beginning

As the new governor’s homepage continues the winning! *

(Launching January 21, 2025!)

Get ready for Lighthouse, the future is bright!

Happy Holidays all, and to all a good night!

Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries

With a wink and nod I watched Delly depart,

delighted to find… he had Captcha’d my heart!

A mock captcha security test featuring images of Delly with a random selection of other images
Divider image featuring holly leaves and berries
A bag of gifts, all of which are Lighthouse models

Happy Holidays!

Your friends

at the GIC!

Read more articles about: Accessibility, CLF, Design, Lighthouse, Uncategorized.

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