Why We Updated Our Logo
Logos serve as the visual foundation of an organization, creating instant recognition, building brand identity, and hopefully making a strong first impression. When it comes to government seals and logos, the primary goals are fostering trust and familiarity. And while there is some benefit to continuity, there are other concerns to consider these days: Evolving […]
Top Ten Things Agencies Can Do
to Prepare for Lighthouse
Many Delaware state agencies the GIC works with have been asking how they can prepare to have their sites eventually placed into Lighthouse. So, we thought it made sense to go through some of the steps we ask all agencies to consider in advance of moving over to the new website! The design parameters of […]
Things Lighthouse WON’T Have
Intentional Decisions to Omit Problematic Features As we’ve rolled out our new Lighthouse website design system, we’ve been sharing lots of its cool new features through this blog. But we haven’t discussed the fact that there are also quite a few things that are currently being used on state websites that we’ve deliberately excluded from […]
Five Effective New Year’s Resolutions
for Agency Web Editors
One of the biggest challenges for any agency is dedicating the time to really make their website all it could be. Engaging a diverse audience and keeping up with digital trends can feel daunting, especially with limited budgets, limited resources, and oh yes, limited time! Besides, measuring success in our world isn’t just about clicks; […]
‘Twas the Night Before WCAG!
‘Twas the holiday season and all ’round the spot Not a creature was crawling, not even a ‘bot! Agency staffers were snug in their beds but questions of access swirled round in their heads… “How shall we keep up with the changing constraints? Our intentions are good, but designers we ain’t!” When, from my computer, […]
There Goes My Hero!
Super Delly is the hero we all need. He’s here to save the day, as it pertains to making your homepage as inviting and accessible as possible! For the sake of clarity, the hero section that we’re actually going to be talking about is the large image and text beneath the header; essentially, your homepage’s […]
Thankful for Sharing!
One of the things we’re most thankful for at the GIC is the opportunity to help Delaware agencies share important information with the widest possible audience. The development of the Lighthouse design system is going to benefit agencies and visitors through content organization, efficiency improvements, and increased accessibility standards. That all adds up to inviting […]
Using Lighthouse …to Navigate!
We chose the name Lighthouse for our new state website design system for several reasons. It’s a nod to the many Delaware lighthouses that dot our beautiful coastlines, like the Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse in Lewes, seen above. Symbolically, a lighthouse is a comforting landmark to help sailors orient themselves, avoid trouble and find their […]
Unveiling our New State Branding
We’re going to step back a bit from our usual focus with this post. While we’ve detailed some of the upgrades coming to many Delaware state websites through our new design system called Lighthouse, there are other improvements in the works that are also worth calling out. We’ve already shared the new website header, which […]
Choosing New Fonts for Lighthouse
One of the GIC’s main goals is to put accessibility at the forefront of our process. We always want to keep in mind those with visual, hearing and other disabilities as we make each website design decision. This approach calls for reconsideration of colors, backgrounds, and the text itself that we use. Many different fonts […]